Performance Management
Blue Dot Learning offers services in the area Performance Management. An organization’s ability to manage the performance of it’s key resource, people, is critical to success. We believe that a Performance Management in isolation is a flawed process and must be linked strongly and clearly back to the management of day-to-day performance of staff to be successful. We believe the drivers of success of a Performance Management System is NOT HR but line-managers. Line-managers must be able to
- Understand and use the Performance Management process effectively
- Recognise that a Performance Management System is just a structure, and that the real drivers of success are the line-managers
- Communicate, coach and support their staff effectively on a day-to-day and month-to-month basis back at work
Blue Dot Learning can assist you in developing an effective system that meets your needs as well as providing customised training workshops to support your particular system:
- Developing a Performance Management System
- Customizing and conducting Objective Setting and Performance Feedback Session workshops
- Designing and conducting customised workshops such as Breaking Bad News